Assemblies of God Heritage magazine
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Vol. 39/40 (Annual Edition 2019-2020)

Vol. 37/38 (Annual Edition 2017-2018)

Vol. 35/36 (Annual Edition 2015-2016)

Vol. 34 (Annual Edition 2014)

Vol. 33 (Annual Edition 2013)

Vol. 32 (Annual Edition 2012)

Vol. 31 (Annual Edition 2011)

Vol. 30 (Annual Edition 2010)

Vol. 29 (Annual Edition 2009)

Vol. 28 (Annual Edition 2008)

Vol. 27 (Annual Edition 2007)

Vol. 26, no. 1/2 (Spring-Summer 2006)

Vol. 25, no. 4 (Winter 2005/2006)

Vol. 25, no. 2/3 (Summer-Fall 2005)

Vol. 25, no. 1 (Spring 2005)
Charlie Lee, Navajo missionary - The 1945 rescue of missionaries in Manila - Harold Thompson, one of the longest-serving African-American Assemblies of God pastors - Mary Watford Stabler and Faith Chapel Assembly of God, Scratch Ankle, Alabama - Frank King

Vol. 24, no. 4 (Winter 2004/2005)
World War II heroes of the faith - The 1945 rescue of missionaries in Manila - Retired navy chaplain Stanford E. Linzey - The Pentecostal Missionary Union for Great Britain and Ireland - The Assemblies of God in Great Britain and Ireland - Donald Gee, best-known British Pentecostal leader - British Assemblies of God missions - Pentecostal roots in the Christian and Missionary Alliance

Vol. 24, no. 3 (Fall 2004)
Robert Hankins, Texas pastor - Bob Harrison, early African-American Assemblies of God minister - Pentecostal roots in the Christian and Missionary Alliance - Hart Armstrong reminisces - E. Glenn Snook, church builder - Oscar M. Dykes

Vol. 24, no. 2 (Summer 2004)
Ambassador II airplane - Evangelist Louise Nankivell - Hillcrest Children's Home, Hot Springs, Arkansas - D. V. Hurst recounts his baptism in the Spirit - 1936 ministry report among Texas Latinos

Vol. 24, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
90th anniversary of the Assemblies of God - Dollie Simms recalls the First General Council at Hot Springs - Persons known to be at the First General Council - Robert C. Cunningham's 1984 farewell to Gospel Publishing House - Missionary to India Robert F. Cook's encounter with Maria Woodworth-Etter

Vol. 23, no. 4 (Winter 2003/2004)
Harold Headrick, Hawaii pioneer - Homer Brooks, attorney and minister - Winnifred Robeson recalls ministry during the Great Depression in Minnesota and North Dakota - Aldor E. Reuterfors - First Assembly of God, Aubrey, Texas - David Nunn meeting, New York, 1954 - Pauline Parham

Vol. 23, no. 3 (Fall 2003)
Missionaries Paul and Gladys Williscroft and their escape from the Nazis - Revivaltime reenactment - History of Assemblies of God correspondence schools - International Correspondence Institute - Global University - Russell and Palmerine Pratt - Evangelists Nell Gaines Cheek and Bessie Fisher - Victor and Clara Matson, Fosston, Minnesota - Pansy Blossom - Adele Carmichael

Vol. 23, no. 2 (Summer 2003)
1963 General Council, Memphis, Tennessee - An insider's view of the Revivaltime radio ministry and C. M. Ward - Dan Betzer recalls his years as speaker - Alvin L. Branch - History of Assemblies of God correspondence schools - Berean School of the Bible - World Pentecostal Conference, Seoul, Korea, 1973 - David Turley, healed of polio in a 1936 Raymond T. Richey meeting

Vol. 23, no. 1 (Spring 2003)
Evangelist Anna B. Lock - Fiftieth anniversary of Light for the Lost - Roots of Southwestern Assemblies of God University - Arthur and Margaret Erickson and First Assembly of God, Maywood, California - Verlin Stewart, missionary to Colombia - Hattie P. Hammond, planting a church in Norristown, Pennsylvania - Missionary Mayme E. Williams - Herman R. Rose, Indiana pioneer - 1953 plane ministry in Alaska

Vol. 22, no. 4 (Winter 2002/2003)
Evangelist Raymond T. Richey - Huldah Needham, missionary to China - Chaplain Talmadge McNabb - Ernest and Virginia Berquist, Ohio pioneers - When the spirit fell at Whitehall, Wisconsin - Wesley R. Hurst, Sr. - Alice Flagstad, Minnesota pastor - First Assembly of God, Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Gordon F. Preiser - Curtis Ringness

Vol. 22, no. 3 (Fall 2002)
Silver anniversary of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center - Theodore Ness, Curtis Ringness, and Lloyd Christiansen - Christian Life editor Robert Walker recalls 60 years in journalism - Celia Swank Lotridge - Assemblies of God ministry among Native Americans - Winnifred A. Robeson recalls the founding of the Blue Earth, Minnesota, Gospel Tabernacle

Vol. 22, no. 2 (Summer 2002)
Assemblies of God ministry among Native Americans - Otto Goins and the Haydonville, Oklahoma, Assembly of God - Clarence and Irene Cope, pastors and missionaries - Donald Gee's 1951 visit to Newfoundland - Texas church planter Flora Massey

Vol. 22, no. 1 (Spring 2002)
Cartoonist Vaughn Shoemaker - 1952 World Pentecostal Conference - Zelma Argue, Canadian Pentecostal evangelist and author - Josie Susannah Lohmann Jones recalls early Pentecostalism in south Texas - William Booth-Clibborn and "Down From His Glory" song

Vol. 21, no. 4 (Winter 2001/2002)
Marcus Grable, "Mr. Sunday School" - Remembering December 1941 - L. Wayne Pitts - Bonnie Fenton Lovo recalls planting a church in Forks, Washington - F. A. Graves - Wesley R. Hurst, Sr., early Assemblies of God leader in Minnesota and Wisconsin - Nina Englund Renick

Vol. 21, no. 3 (Fall 2001)
Leslie Coffelt - Paul and Violet Pipkin, missionaries to Asia - J. Roswell Flower - C. M. Ward recalls his parents, A. G. and Mary Ward - J. B. Cherry recalls 1951 brush arbor revival in Waskom, Texas

Vol. 21, no. 2 (Summer 2001)
Memories of past General Councils - Louis Romer, healed in a 1915 Maria Woodworth-Etter meeting - Who edited the Azusa Street Mission's Apostolic Faith? - Lloyd Colbaugh

Vol. 21, no. 1 (Spring 2001)
Assemblies of God roots in Hot Springs, Arkansas - George Eldridge, early Los Angeles pastor - Pentecostal origins in Enterprise, Arkansas - Marie Stephany and Nettie Nichols, missionaries to China - Anna Tomaseck, missionary to India - Florence Steidel, missionary to Liberia - Sinking of the Zamzam

Vol. 20, no. 4 (Winter 2000/2001)
Centenary of the Topeka outpouring - Gwen Jones - Earl and Ruby Wilkie, missionaries to Bolivia - Walter Erola, Finnish missionary to Burma - Early Pentecostal Daniel Awrey - Ralph W. Harris recalls the 1936 Central Bible Institute revival

Vol. 20, no. 3 (Fall 2000)
Edwin and Jennie Olsen Bendiksen, missionaries to Belgian Congo - Henry Krause, Assemblies of God businessman - Anna Ziese, missionary to China - Charles Shreve recalls Aimee Semple McPherson's meetings in the McKendree Methodist Church, Washington, DC - John Savage, Assemblies of God pilot - Earl and Darliene Johnson

Vol. 20, no. 2 (Summer 2000)
Hal Herman, evangelist and missionary - New Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center website - Early Pentecostalism in Indianapolis - The controversy over Max Wood Moorhead's 1923 Pentecostal Evangel article - Smith Wigglesworth

Vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring 2000)
Korean War chaplain Frank Griepp - Clarence and Orvia Strom, church planters - Evangelist Paul Hild - The quotable Donald Gee - Melvin B. Hanson, Wisconsin pastor and evangelist - Edgar and Mabel Pettenger, missionaries to South Africa

Vol. 19, no. 3/4 (Fall/Winter 1999/2000)
Martyred missionary J. W. Tucker - T. Texas Tyler, gospel musician and evangelist - Robert C. Cunningham, editor of the Pentecostal Evangel - Ambassador II airplane - George Rueb, German District pioneer - Arthur Shell and early Pentecost in Alabama - Bruce Gibson

Vol. 19, no. 2 (Summer 1999)
Billie Davis, educator - Azusa Street's Apostolic Faith newspaper - Delbert and Marion Nultemeier, missionaries to the Marshall Islands - John Lindvall, missionary and chaplain - Florence Blossom Beck, evangelist and missionary - Verna Spencer - Raymond Richey's 1923 Tulsa meetings

Vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 1999)
Cecil Janway, former Louisiana District superintendent - William and Mary Parry - Alfred Howard Carter, British Pentecostal leader - Trinity Pentecostal Assembly, Toronto - Hugh MacLeod Corey - Frank Wiley family of southwest Missouri

Vol. 18, no. 3/4 (Fall/Winter 1998/1999)
Dedication of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center - Maria Woodworth-Etter and the 1914 revival in Meridian, Mississippi - Ruby Minikus, teacher at Minneapolis Gospel Tabernacle - Fred Smolchuck and the Ukrainian Branch - W. Nelson Sachs recalls his first revival in Mokane, Missouri - Story behind the Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements - Emma Cromer Ladd, Iowa pioneer - Joe and Ada Combs

Vol. 18, no. 2 (Summer 1998)
Ambassador I airplane - Evangelist and educator William Burton McCafferty - Johnnie Barnes, first National Royal Rangers Commander - Wire recordings - Marie Juergensen, missionary to Japan

Vol. 18, no. 1 (Spring 1998)
Eric Booth-Clibborn, missionary to Africa - George and Katie Comstock, Nebraska pioneers - Clyde and Alpha Fortenberry Henson - Ruth Stagg, Jacksonville, Oregon - C. Oscar and Cora Haymaker, early Oklahoma pastors - Early ministry of songwriter F. A Graves - Eric Forsgren recalls Nashville, Illinois

Vol. 17, no. 4 (Winter 1997/1998)
Introducing the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center - Spiritual roots of the J. Roswell Flower family - J. Roswell and Alice Reynolds Flower, Assemblies of God pioneers - Marie Stephany, missionary to China - Healing of Mary Alice Reynolds

Vol. 17, no. 3 (Fall 1997)
Daphne Brann, oldest Assemblies of God minister - Adele Carmichael - Arvid Ohrnell, prison chaplain - Eva Maye Murphy - Fairbanks, Alaska - Central Bible Institute during the Great Depression

Vol. 17, no. 2 (Summer 1997)
Early Pentecostalism in Indianapolis - Margaret Jay, World War II prisoner in Hong Kong - Pioneer Walter J. Higgins - When Pentecost came to Summerfield, Louisiana - Rose Sanders recalls miracles

Vol. 17, no. 1 (Spring 1997)
African missionary H. B. Garlock - Arthur H. Graves, Southeastern Bible College president - Helen Boyd - James M. Reb - Agnes Thelle Beckdahl, Norwegian missionary to Europe and India - Dominick Tuminaro and the Italian District - Central Bible College - Calvary Temple, Indianapolis, Indiana - Central Assembly of God, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Vol. 16, no. 4 (Winter 1996/1997)
Paul and Betty Wells - Anna Berg, pioneer in the Upper Midwest - Songwriter Oscar Eliason and "Got Any Rivers?" - Roy and Jimalee George recall the Pisgah Home, Los Angeles - Albert Knudson and Chehalis, Washington - Beatrice Wells, girl evangelist - Speed the Light

Vol. 16, no. 2/3 (Summer/Fall 1996)
Church planters - Ethel and Marcus Musick - Alpheus Broadhead - D. Leroy Sanders - Jimmy McClellan - Eva Maye Murphy - Mildred Mara - Ward M. Tannenberg - Ken Krivohlavek - Educator J. Robert Ashcroft - Latin American Bible Institute of California - Latin American Bible Institute, San Antonio, Texas - History of the MAPS RV ministry - C. M. Ward, Revivaltime speaker, 1953-1978 - Mildred Whitney and ministry to the blind - Persecution in New Liberty, Texas

Vol. 16, no. 1 (Spring 1996)
Evangelist Carl W. Barnes - Child evangelists - Mary Louise Paige Clutter - Glad Tidings Bible Institute - Carl and Rose Goad - Author and minister Ruth Gerber Copeland - The radical strategy in missions

Vol. 15, no. 4 (Winter 1995/1996)
Herbert and Juanita Bruhn, church planters in Alaska - Evangelist Ben Hardin - From brush arbor to multi-purpose complex: The evolution of Assemblies of God places of worship - Power from on high: The radical strategy in missions - E. N. Bell's 1908 baptism in the Holy Spirit

Vol. 15, no. 3 (Fall 1995)
J. Roswell Flower evaluates the Pentecostal movement - Carl Stewart, Texas musician and pastor - Origin of the doctrinal statement in the Pentecostal Evangel - History of the Central District - Daphne Brann, 105-year-old minister

Vol. 15, no. 2 (Summer 1995)
Loafer's Glory Apostolic Church, Liberty Hill, Texas - Aimee Semple McPherson's 1921 St. Louis meetings - A. B. and Dora Cox - Wolf Point, Montana - Hjalmar and Olga Johnson, Wisconsin pioneers - Texas evangelist Charles E. Worthy

Vol. 15, no. 1 (Spring 1995)
Fads and revivals - Latter Rain movement - Canadian pioneer A. H. Argue - Hiram and Clara Brooks - Montana evangelist Alfred Morrison - Christine Gibson and Zion Bible Institute - The necessity of the past

Vol. 14, no. 4 (Winter 1994/1995)
Ben Mahan, pioneer in Pennsylvania and Washington, DC - 1919 revival in Wiser Chapel, Missouri - J. O. Savell recounts his pastorate at Goose Creek, Texas - The last months of Myer Pearlman - Verona Wagner, composer of the Christ's Ambassadors song - George R. and Elizabeth Weidman Wood - T. K. Leonard and the Pentecostal Mission, Findlay, Ohio

Vol. 14, no. 3 (Fall 1994)
Assemblies of God origins and the Church of God in Christ - The Pentecostal heritage of James K. Bridges - How the Assemblies of God was named - Cartoonist Charles Ramsay - Handwritten Bible at Fremont Tabernacle, Seattle - George C. Brinkman, The Pentecostal Herald, and the Pentecostal Church of God

Vol. 14, no. 2 (Summer 1994)
Evangelist Anna B. Lock - Clifford and Helen Crabtree, New England pioneers - Popular gospel songwriter Ira Stanphill - Charter Assemblies of God minister Hugh M. Cadwalder recalls the early years

Vol. 14, no. 1 (Spring 1994)
Waldo and Beatrice Trask - Truesdale, Iowa, Assembly of God - Blind musician Fred Henry - The healing of Elva K. Stump - History of the Mississippi District - Theological development of the Assemblies of God

Vol. 13, no. 4 (Winter 1993/1994)
Fred Burke, missionary to South Africa - Early Pentecostalism in Mississippi - Theological roots of the Assemblies of God - P. C. Nelson, founder of Southwestern Bible Institute - Arthur Rice

Vol. 13, no. 3 (Fall 1993)
The Assemblies of God relocates to Springfield, Missouri - Arthur Rice's 1915 lawsuit against the General Council - G. Raymond Carlson: The Springfield years - Home of Peace, Oakland, California, founded by George and Carrie Judd Montgomery - Donald Gee

Vol. 13, no. 2 (Summer 1993)
G. Raymond Carlson: The early years - R. D. E. and Goldie Smith - Hjalmer Krans family of Wisconsin - Kathryn Kuhlman - J. Bashford Bishop - Writings of Donald Gee - The Tatham family's Depression-era trek from Oklahoma to California

Vol. 13, no. 1 (Spring 1993)
John Peter Kolenda, missionary to Germany and Brazil - Healing of James P. Sturgeon - Educator and pastor J. Bashford Bishop - Woodrow Oxner - Aimee Semple McPherson's 1922 meetings in Wichita, Kansas - William J. Mitchell - Ambassador airplane

Vol. 12, no. 4 (Winter 1992/1993)
Susan Easton, missionary to India - William J. Mitchell, pioneer in New England - Pioneer Quartet and the miracle in Humbug, California - William Jethro Walthall - Smith Wigglesworth

Vol. 12, no. 3 (Fall 1992)
The making of Smith Wigglesworth - Worldwide Pentecostal leader Donald Gee - Pneumatology of European Pentecostalism - William Jethro Walthall and the Holiness Baptist churches of southwestern Arkansas - Victor Smith recalls ministry in the oil boomtowns - Pentecostal missionaries in situations of conflict and violence

Vol. 12, no. 2 (Summer 1992)
N. D. Davidson - Santa Cruz Cheerbringers, a predecessor to Missionettes - Thomas F. Zimmerman in strategic places and critical times - Gospel Tabernacle, Whitehall, Wisconsin - Sunday school conventions, 1940-1960 - Pentecostal missionaries in situations of conflict and violence - G. Herbert Schmidt

Vol. 12, no. 1 (Spring 1992)
G. Herbert Schmidt, Refugee in Sweden - Samuel and Leenetta Scott, Oklahoma pioneers - Toronto's Hebden Mission - Valeria Lee Hammond, early Oklahoma evangelist - A. S. Worrell's 1907 response to critics of the Pentecostal movement

Vol. 11, no. 4 (Winter 1991/1992)
Missionaries caught in the crossfire in World War II - G. Herbert Schmidt, American missionary in Nazi hands - Remembering December 1941 - Bert Webb, national leader - Grace Williamson's 1914 healing - Toronto's Hebden Mission

Vol. 11, no. 3 (Fall 1991)
Glad Tidings Tabernacle, Erie, Pennsylvania - James and Ellen Hebden and the East End Mission, Toronto - Bert Webb's Oklahoma roots - Thomas F. Zimmerman: Pentecostal statesman - Noel Perkin

Vol. 11, no. 2 (Summer 1991)
Early Pentecostalism in Oregon and Washington - The 1936 fire in Bandon, Oregon - Samuel A. Jamieson, a Presbyterian minister who became an early Assemblies of God leader - The 1913 revival in Couch, Missouri - Azusa Street revival, 85th anniversary

Vol. 11, no. 1 (Spring 1991)
D. C. O. Opperman's short-term Bible schools - California pastor Walter Teeters - William E. Booth-Clibborn - Thomas F. Zimmerman: Preparation for leadership

Vol. 10, no. 4 (Winter 1990/1991)
Thomas F. Zimmerman: A look at his Indiana roots - William Booth-Clibborn's 1908 baptism in the Holy Spirit - D. C. O. Opperman's short-term Bible schools - World War II military ministry - Musical evangelist Esther Mae Cooper - Levi Larson and the Tacoma servicemen's center

Vol. 10, no. 3 (Fall 1990)
Canadian leader A. G. Ward - Zion Faith Homes, Zion, Illinois - World War II military ministry - Origins of the Servicemen's Department - Midwest Bible School, Auburn, Nebraska - Samuel A. Jamieson - Adele Carmichael

Vol. 10, no. 2 (Summer 1990)
California pioneers Lewis and May Wilson - Assemblies of God ministry to military personnel in World War II - Reveille magazine - Faith homes and early Pentecostal values - Elim Faith Home, Rochester, New York - Midwest Bible School, Auburn, Nebraska

Vol. 10, no. 1 (Spring 1990)
Frank J. Lindquist, North Central Bible Institute and Minneapolis Gospel Tabernacle - Pentecost comes to New England, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York - D. W. Kerr and Willard Peirce - Everette Stanley, Nebraska pioneer - C. Stanley Cooke - Gospel School, Findlay, Ohio

Vol. 9, no. 4 (Winter 1989/1990)
Early Ohio Pentecostal schools - Levi Lupton and the Missionary Training School, Alliance, Ohio - Christian Assembly Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio - T. K. Leonard and the Gospel School, Findlay, Ohio - Norwalk (Ohio) Bible School - Peniel Bible Institute, Dayton, Ohio - Jewish convert and theologian Myer Pearlman

Vol. 9, no. 3 (Fall 1989)
Highway Tabernacle, Philadelphia - Ernest S. Williams - Wesley R. Steelberg - Hispanic leaders Demetrio and Nellie Bazan - Ambassador II airplane - The Evangel Speed the Light boat - Ralph Devin

Vol. 9, no. 2 (Summer 1989)
The Evangel Speed the Light boat - Ralph Devin - Revival in Barrow, Alaska - Pentecostalism among Slavic immigrants to America - George S. Montgomery - The Singing Parsons quartet - Berdetta Manley Robeck, pioneer in Sausalito, California - Ernest S. Williams

Vol. 9, no. 1 (Spring 1989)
George S. and Carrie Judd Montgomery - Missions leader J. Philip Hogan - Joseph and Helen Wannenmacher, pioneers in Milwaukee

Vol. 8, no. 4 (Winter 1988/1989)
Martyred missionary J. W. Tucker - The Holiness-Pentecostal movement - Hitler shuts down Pentecostal school in Europe - Russian and Eastern European Mission - The Steinle sisters, musical evangelists

Vol. 8, no. 3 (Fall 1988)
Willis Hoover and Pentecostalism in Chile - Danzig Gdanska Institute of the Bible - Gustave Herbert Schmidt - Azusa Street revival - Howard and Edith Osgood, missionaries to China

Vol. 8, no. 2 (Summer 1988)
Robert Craig and Glad Tidings Temple in San Francisco - Evangelist Morris Plotts jailed in Montezuma, Iowa - Arkansas pioneer George W. Hardcastle - J. Narver Gortner - Young Milton Rogers and Burton W. Pierce in 1937

Vol. 8, no. 1 (Spring 1988)

Vol. 7, no. 4 (Winter 1987/1988)
Women in ministry - Marie Stephany, missionary to China - Beauty pageant winner-turned-evangelist Edith Mae Pennington - Jane Schaffer-Blythe - Edith Blumhofer looks at the role of women in the Assemblies of God

Vol. 7, no. 3 (Fall 1987)
Latter Rain Movement - Sharon Orphanage and Schools, North Battleford, Saskatchewan - Myrtle Beall - Sinking of the Zamzam - Story of the Assemblies of God constitution, 1927-1987

Vol. 7, no. 2 (Summer 1987)
Central Bible College during the Depression - Light Bearer's Quartet - In Europe with Donald Gee, 1939 - Assemblies of God in Oregon and Washington - Henry H. Ness, founder of Northwest Bible Institute - Evangelist Charles S. Price

Vol. 7, no. 1 (Spring 1987)
Early Pentecost in the Pacific Northwest - 1907 revival in Latah, Washington - Black ministers in the Assemblies of God - Ellsworth S. Thomas - Charles H. Mason and the Church of God in Christ - Songwriter Charles Price Jones

Vol. 6, no. 4 (Winter 1986/1987)
Pentecostal pacifism - Missionary Eric Johnson tells of hardships in the Congo - Early Assemblies of God missionaries - Maria Woodworth-Etter and the early Pentecostal movement

Vol. 6, no. 3 (Fall 1986)
Gospel songwriter Herbert Buffum - Charles Parham brings Pentecost to Zion, Illinois - John Alexander Dowie

Vol. 6, no. 2 (Summer 1986)
Alice Belle Garrigus and Pentecostalism in Newfoundland - F. F. Bosworth beaten up in Texas for his ministry among African-Americans - John Alexander Dowie and his utopian city, Zion, Illinois - Cartoonist Charles Ramsay - S. A. Jamieson

Vol. 6, no. 1 (Spring 1986)
Women in ministry - Minnie T. Draper - Bethel Pentecostal Assembly, Newark, New Jersey - Elizabeth V. Baker - Elim Faith Home, Rochester, New York - Virginia E. Moss - Mother Mary Moise of St. Louis: Pioneer in Pentecostal social ministry

Vol. 5, no. 4 (Winter 1985/1986)
The flying Ambassadors: converted war planes enlisted in missionary service - Alice Reynolds Flower recalls when Pentecost came to Indianapolis - George N. Eldridge and Bethel Temple, Los Angeles - Paul L. Kitch - Elva Hoover, Kentucky mountain minister

Vol. 5, no. 3 (Fall 1985)
Early Pentecostalism in Wisconsin - Dallas, Wisconsin - Spencer Lake Bible Camp - Oneness and Trinitarian debate splits the Assemblies of God in 1916 - The prison ministry of Daisy Robinson - Iron River, Michigan

Vol. 5, no. 2 (Summer 1985)
Ministry among Hispanics - Alice E. Luce - Henry C. Ball - The story of El Evangelio Pentecostal - The dramatic 1945 liberation of missionaries in Los Banos, Philippines

Vol. 5, no. 1 (Spring 1985)
Rufus Nicholson, Oklahoma pioneer - Ralph Durham remembers early Pentecost in southwest Missouri - Missionary Jessie Wengler in Japan during World War II - Missionaries rescued after captivity in the Philippines - Marie Juergensen ministered to Japanese-Americans in internment camps in the Pacific Northwest during World War II

Vol. 4, no. 4 (Winter 1984/1985)
Lillian Trasher and the orphanage in Assiout, Egypt - Early Pentecost in Alabama - Walter B. Jessup - L. P. Adams - H. G. Rodgers - Aaron A. Wilson recalls his first pastorate, Puxico, Missouri

Vol. 4, no. 3 (Fall 1984)
When Pentecost came to Alabama - Leonard Bolton, missionary to China - M. M. Pinson and the Pentecostal Mission, Nashville, Tennessee, 1902-1907

Vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 1984)
Missionary H. B. Garlock rescued from cannibals in Africa - First General Council, Hot Springs, Arkansas, 1914 - Camp meeting memories - Willie Millsaps remembers Charles H. Mason at Hot Springs

Vol. 4, no. 1 (Spring 1984)
G. Raymond Carlson recalls early revivals in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota - Carl M. Hanson - Blanche Brittain - Early Pentecostal organizations predating the Assemblies of God

Vol. 3, no. 4 (Winter 1983/1984)
Pioneer W. C. Long recalls persecution in Maryland and Pennsylvania - Revivaltime radio ministry and C. M. Ward - Five teenage boys claimed Springfield Headquarters site in prayer - U. S. and Lillian Grant in Gillette, Wisconsin

Vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 1983)
The earliest Pentecostal missions of Los Angeles - When the Pentecostal fire fell in Calcutta - A. G. Garr - Sermons in Song radio program, 1946-1950 - William Durham and the Finished Work of Calvary

Vol. 3, no. 2 (Summer 1983)
Early Assemblies of God schools - Early Pentecostal missionaries - Thomas Hezmalhalch

Vol. 3, no. 1 (Spring 1983)
The 1913 Arroyo Seco worldwide camp meeting - Origins of Oneness Pentecostalism - Persecution in New Liberty, Texas

Vol. 2, no. 4 (Winter 1982/1983)
Pandita Ramabai and early Pentecostalism in India - Mukti Mission - Elizabeth Galley Wilson, missionary to China - History of Gospel Publishing House

Vol. 2, no. 3 (Fall 1982)
J. Roswell Flower tells how early papers published the Pentecostal message - Stanley Horton recalls the Pentecostal explosion at the Azusa Street mission

Vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer 1982)
The great Ozark Mountains revival: How the Holy Spirit shook Thayer, Missouri in 1909 Zimmerman - Harry Bowley

Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 1982)
First General Council, Hot Springs, Arkansas - General Superintendents - Wesley R. Steelberg - Gayle F. Lewis - Ralph M. Riggs - Thomas F. Zimmerman - P. C. Nelson, pioneer Pentecostal educator

Vol. 1, no. 2 (Winter 1981/1982)
Biographies of the General Superintendents - Eudorus N. Bell - Arch P. Collins - John W. Welch - W. T. Gaston - E. S. Williams - When Pentecost came to Los Angeles - Nancy Verna Sigman

Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 1981)
Introductory issue - The Assemblies of God Headquarters in St. Louis, 1915-1918 - Preserving district and local church history